CCKDO History

kids day outkids day out time capsule

In 2020 the CCKDO TIME CAPSULE was buried safely in the soil of the newly created Central Coast Leagues Club Park opposite Central Coast Leagues Club, with all the wonderful entries that we received. This time capsule will be opened in 2071!

kids day out photo comp

2020 - Surviving lockdown! We asked kids to submit their creative photos.

interviews with specialists

2020 - As we were unable to hold our annual event due to COVID, we decided to bring the specialists to you. CCKDO spoke with representatives of services and specialists in the Central Coast community on advice for the well-being of our kids.

In our first interview, we hear from CCKDO Chairperson, Nada Potter.

Little Kickers

Werner Klumpp from the SES

Laura Mackenzie from DET - Transition to School

central coast kids day out central coast kids day out central coast kids day out central coast kids day out central coast kids day out central coast kids day out
mental health, staying healthy & happy during lockdown

2020-2021 - Surviving lockdown with creativity, play and dance. See more about Healthy Minds here.