"Together we can make positive change for our Central Coast Families"

SINCE 1999


In order to maintain smooth traffic flow for everyone during the event we have taken the following steps listed below to ensure the least amount of congestion for both people attending the grounds and local residents in the area.

This year we have secured two (2) vacant lots to accommodate parking for our attendees located along the Western side of Hanlan St S, (corner of Hanlan St S and Fountains Rd). From this location it is approximately a 5-6 min walk to the venue traveling Westbound along Fountains Rd.

For those that require drop off and pick up we have provided a 70m "pick up/drop off zone" adjacent the main gate entry along Fountains Rd. For traffic to run as smooth as possible after drop off/pick up we ask all motorists to continue Westbound along Fountains Rd and then head Eastbound along Carrington St to reach Hanlan St S. This movement around the venue will ensure smooth traffic flow for local residents and attendees.

To further reduce traffic congestion during the event Pandala Rd will be converted into "One Way" with traffic travelling Southbound along Pandala Rd to reach Carrington St and then travel Eastbound to reach Hanlan St South.
Please take care when travelling to and from our event. Parking at own risk.

kids day out parking View or download pdf

Parking your car at CCKDO - click here


Wherever possible we encourage patrons to use PUBLIC TRANSPORT to come to our event.

If you travel by train, you will need to walk along three streets from NARARA TRAIN STATION to the school. They are Deane Street, Hanlon Street Sth and Fountains Road.

If you travel by BUS [ Route 36 ] you will be able to get off the bus in Hanlon Street Sth, and walk to Fountains Road and the venue.

STOP and PLAN YOUR JOURNEY BEFORE THE EVENT. If you are walking with your children to the venue either from the public transport you have used OR from your parked car, be sure to observe all the road safety rules that would normally apply in any situation where there are a lot of people moving about and cars are in the area.

HELPING CHILDREN BE SAFE ON THE ROAD WAYS. Children can be unpredictable and difficult for drivers to see, often they think about things that are important for them and forget about looking for cars, they need to be actively supervised.

STOP, LOOK and LISTEN is the first thing to do. Kids are always watching; they follow the example of adults - our responsibility is to give them a safe example to follow.

HOLD your CHILD’S HAND. KIDSAFE suggests if your hands are full, make sure your children hold onto a pram, your bag or even your arm or sleeve.

LOOK to the LEFT, then to the RIGHT and to the LEFT AGAIN. KIDSAFE suggests that as you are walking, talk with your children about why you are stopping and what you are looking and listening for - explain to them where it is safer to cross and why.

FOLLOW THE DIRECTION of the “STOP / GO” controller if you cross at a point that is supervised. WALK QUICKLY ACROSS THE ROAD WHEN IT IS SAFE.

Plenty of spots to sit and relax while the kids play.

THE CCKDO EVENT COULD NOT TAKE PLACE WITHOUT THE AMAZING CONTRIBUTION MADE BY THE CCKDO COMMITTEE WHO GIVE THEIR TIME, SKILLS AND ENERGY TO THIS EVENT, SUPPORTING CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES ON THE CENTRAL COAST. CCKDO entry is a small cost in response to our voluntary committee striving to keep the event affordable yet being sustainable. The contribution of your entry donation goes toward venue rental, entertainment, security, first aid, insurance, clean-up etc and the committee thanks you for your contribution and understanding.


We aim to provide and safe, accessible and inclusive event.